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helping women move forward

raising awareness and stopping human trafficking both in

rochester and the surrounding areas

supporting children by giving them protection and hope

Mission Statement

Angels of Mercy is a Christ-centered organization (501c3)

dedicated to helping women in need locally, across the nation and around the world. Our mission and focus is to help women and girls achieve freedom, dignity and restoration through our coordinated efforts and faith in God. Jesus came to set the captives free...and we are helping to do just that!

As the New York State Rep for Dress A Girl Around the World, it has been an amazing experience for us to not only help women that have been victimized, but to help the abuse from taking place. We provide hand - made dresses and dolls to girls, and shorts to boys in the United States, India, Cambodia, Guatemala, Uganda and at least 60 other countries. Statistics show that these children, dressed in rags and searching for food in public dumps, are perceived to be easy targets that no one will miss if kidnapped into sex trafficking. The Sex Trafficking industry is a 150 Billion dollar business, with about a third of that taking place in the United States. That is second only to the Drug Trafficking industry in revenue generation.

We are an organization of women dedicated to making a difference in the lives of women in need.  Angels of Mercy was inspired by a residential treatment center, Mercy Ministries, that offers unconditional love and helps young women heal and experience freedom to go forward in their lives.  There are women of all ages in our own community that need someone to reach out to them.  Perhaps you may know a friend, daughter, mother or sister that has been challenged with unpleasant circumstances.  We certainly do.  We feel very deeply that we must do something to help the women that God has a plan for.  He wants them to experience healing in each area of their life so they can live life as victors and not victims.

Our Dress a Girl Around the World program has enabled us to bring our mission to a higher level.  Not only can we help women with life-controlling issues, but we can also help prevent future cases from taking place.

692 N. Winton Road
Rochester, NY 14609
ph: 585-730-4556


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10am to 3pm

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Copyright 2023 ANGELS OF MERCY,INC. All rights reserved.

Donate through the United Way to our Donor Designated Fund: Agency #3356

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